Mercedes will launch a pickup truck. The car will be produced for markets such as South Africa, Australia Latin America and Europe.
Most likely the model will be on the market in the next years, the latest by 2020. The announcement has been made by the car makers. As far as future plans go Mercedes seems to be quite confident that the recently announced pickup truck will be a success.

The producers have stated that „we can perfectly serve customers looking for a vehicle that offers a high level of utility and at the same time has the comfort, safety, and design of a Mercedes-Benz passenger car”.
Worldwide the maket is going through a transformation and pickup trucks seem to rise on the top of the list of preferences. Not only this but Mercedes has taken the matter into it’s own hands and announced that it will become “the first premium manufacturer to respond to this market shift”.
Curious to know what other information about the future car is available? Well it seems that the pickup truck will be produced by the Mercedes Vans division. Last but not least the producers promise that the recipe for succes has already been found and it will be applied to make an amazing car.
me parece una muy buena noticia.