Run fast, ride faster this seems to be the new rule that Adidas wants to impose while promoting their goods. The famous company has announced plans to team up with just as famous car maker Porsche for a special event.
No less than three lucky fast runners are about to get the gift of their lives as Adidas plans to offer customized Porsche 911’s to the top three NFL Scouting Combine competitors. Basically Adidas has found a special way in which to promote their new adizero 5-Star 40 Football cleats.

Everything will take place at the week-long showcase called NFL Scouting Combine where college football players demostrate their talents in front of NFL scouts, coaches, and general managers.
Three Porsche 911s have been branded with a cheetah graphic pattern. The cars will be offered as presents to the fastest runners of the race. Curoius how the runners will get to keep the cars?

Well the lucky and talented athletes will have to sign a contract with the company and wear the new cleats. Last year Adidas also awarded a fast runner with no less than $100,000.